Asset INspection

[General Introduction and how our services can help]

Ninox Robotics provides tailored services for a variety of industries including:

  • Energy

  • Natural Resources

  • Communications

  • Construction

  • Mining

  • Transport

  • Insurance

  • Real Estate

TODO: change the above to their picture buttons and link each to their own page


Relevant pages:

  • Drone A

  • Payload X

  • Payload Y

  • Coverage vs GSD

TODO: update the following to be general enough to cover all situations

View: up to 1km wide

Zoom: 10x

Resolution: up to 2cm/pxVision: switch between thermal and optical

Coverage: up to 60km2/h

If you are interested in utilising our services, or have any questions,
contact us at, call 1300 377 977, or request a quote below.

If your area of interest or industry is not listed here but you believe our services could benefit you, please contact us.
Our system is flexible, and as such can often meet unique requirements.